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Saturday, January 23, 2010

old and new and new

Hey there! It's been over 2 weeks since I started hormones, and things are going smoothly. I have felt sick in the morning a couple times, but only puked that once. I've had to really regulate my sleeping schedule where I can take the hormones at the same time everyday. I take my first pill of spiro and my estrogen with tea and fruit or a Luna bar or something to that effect. I've been feeling ver confident about the changes that are starting to happen, but still no big developments. My breasts are much more tender than they have been, but thats about it, other than needing to pee ALL the time because of the diuretic property of Spiro.

Here's a couple before and after pics I made, not terribly flattering but they illustrate how far i've come, and I'm definitely not going to let myself look that manly (or high) anymore. I have tons of old party pictures i'l share with you someday, but they just bring back memories of a time when I cared a lot less about my well being.

Here's a recent progress picture, more of a full body pic to show off my forming curves. These pics are going to be priceless to me when I'm all the way through my transition, expect more and more, I'm looking forward to having a flip-book of my whole transition. If you're going through what I am, try this too, it just takes a camera and a few seconds a day :)

Hope you like the pics and keep checking back for more!


Unknown said...

Hell of a transition, you look better with every pic. Keep on rockin that body, girl!

shae said...

it's always amazing to see the changes happen, I remember taking pictures to see how I was changing week to week. I still look back at old picts and have trouble believing it's who I was.

looking at these picts and the ones of you now, WOW.

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