Blog Archive

Monday, March 28, 2011

depressive character (or) floundering

It's tough being me. I've had a very long life in my short time here.

I miss California, I miss my friends and the familiar places. I miss the warm weather. 

 You'd think after all my travels I wouldn't get homesick, but I've never really had a home, just a sunshiny state and the streets of a city that taught me everything I know, good and bad.

I'm tired, but can't sleep. Hungry, but can't eat. Sad, but can't cry. Happy, but can only smile for pictures.

I still have quite a bit of work to do in my life before I can honestly say things are right for me. 

I've come a long way, but still have miles to go.

This is merely me embracing the full spectrum of human emotions... or whatever.

Here's some of my favorite pics of me with famous people. 

Cheer up Riley, go take a nap and you'll feel better, you'll get your motivation (mojo?) back soon enough.

(blame it on the hormones)


closeted said...

it seems you really met your share of celebraties on your adventures.
who knows, you may meet lots more.

ps: i like that skirt your wearing in the 3rd picture.

-greetings from belgium :)

Stral said...

Sadness is a funny thing; sometimes it can be due to chemical levels, sometimes its just a normal reaction to unfortunate events, but very often its one of the few times your brain takes a side step on life to look at things from another angle. In this way it can be one of the greatest instigators for change. Just think things through and you can never go wrong :)

Christy Cheray said...

The person in the last picture looks hispanic. Do you know how to speek Spanish?

Unknown said...

Baby love, I'm so sorry things are so hard. You know I can commiserate. You should make the trip out my way. I'd love to give you an opportunity for some friendly faces and adventures.

Chin up.

Riley Kilo said...

thanks guys :) The person in the last pic is Chaz Bono, Sonny and Cher's FtM son.

hugs!!! and yeah, i'll seeya soon Candice :)

Shannon said...

You're overdue for an update to your most recent blog.... I hope things are going better now, a few weeks later!

I love the pic with Chas Bono... He is hot, and I admire his courage to come out even despite the spotlight.

As for you, you're absolutely adorable! I love your blog and your videos, and hope SRS awaits you soon.

I wish I had been able to start female hormones at a much younger age. You are the perfect example of a girl starting young and having wonderful results.

Good luck and come back to San Francisco/ Sacramento soon!!!


DL-ABer said...

Cool pix but I haven't a clue who you are with. Although I caught from your post the last one is Chaz Bono "cool". After reading your blog entry here all I can do is offer you comfort & support over the web, I hope knowing that we friends of yours do care and want you well in all aspects of your life and hopefully we help by interacting with you through your posts. So when you are feeling blue and not so good about where you are give yourself a cyber hug, ppl do care about Riley :)


Raven said...

Was that Robert Picardo in the next to last pic ?...^_^

Riley Kilo said...

It is! And not just a hologram of him either :P

Thanks for reading <3